
Get information about the various node flavors available, which is important when creating clusters and understanding stacks. For example, the HADOOP_HDP2_2 stack has four node groups, one of which is the slave node group. When creating a cluster with this stack, you will need to choose the number of slave nodes to create, as well as their flavor (that is, how much memory and disk space and how many CPU’s are available).

You may use the list() method to view all available flavors in a region:

>>> flavors = lava.flavors.list()
>>> flavors
[Flavor(id='hadoop1-15', name='Medium Hadoop Instance', disk, links, ram, vcpus),
 Flavor(id='hadoop1-30', name='Large Hadoop Instance', disk, links, ram, vcpus),
 Flavor(id='hadoop1-60', name='XLarge Hadoop Instance', disk, links, ram, vcpus),
 Flavor(id='hadoop1-7', name='Small Hadoop Instance', disk, links, ram, vcpus)]

>>> for flavor in sorted(flavors, key=lambda flavor: flavor.vcpus):
...     print(flavor.id, flavor.vcpus, flavor.ram, flavor.disk)
hadoop1-7 2 7680 1250
hadoop1-15 4 15360 2500
hadoop1-30 8 30720 5000
hadoop1-60 16 61440 10000

API Reference

class lavaclient.api.flavors.Resource

Flavors API methods


List all flavors

Returns:List of Flavor objects
class lavaclient.api.response.Flavor

Return a pretty-formatted string that describes the format of the data


Convert the config to a plain python dictionary


Disk space in MB


Memory in MB
